
After quite a disturbing day of national news filled with what feels like constant pressure to “freak out”, I’m being very intentional about this new day I’ve been given.

I am going to make sure that I’m focusing more on what God says than what the media is screaming at me. Because, I bet most of you are like me—you want to be a light in this world. Right? Don’t we want to point the hopeless to the reason for, the Source of our hope?

Never has it been more important for the body of Christ to be unified, standing firm and confident in the One who holds everything together.

This is not a time to panic, but it is a prime opportunity to draw nearer to God, to seek Him fervently in prayer for wisdom, peace, strength, and to store up His promises in our hearts.

If one person’s panic has so much influence over others, imagine the power we can have to CALM if we remain calm.


Don’t dare listen to the world’s news until you’ve FIRST filled yourself up with the Truth of the Good News. 

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” (Isaiah 26:3) 

{Amy Hale}

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