Putting God First

Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”

What does it mean to seek first the kingdom of God? It means putting Christ and the things of the Spirit first in our lives.

It’s been said that the pursuit of Christ is the pursuit of everything because as we pursue Him, He adds all things we need to us.

It is in seeking God’s kingdom and pursuing His righteousness that we are already given all satisfaction, contentment and grace. Everything else then will just be an added bonus.

But when we truly seek and pursue God, even just in that, we already receive our heart’s desire. We won’t need relationships, money and material things, but because God is gracious He adds it anyway.

Jesus adds all things unto us, but more importantly, He comes into us and fills our hearts completely with identity, satisfaction and purpose.

Much love,
Team CWIB xx

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