Letting God Add The Super To Your Natural Business

In this week’s podcast,  we are joined by Allyson Chavez, a prosperity transformation coach. Her mission in life is to end struggle and bring joy to the worlds of one million women and men.  She wrote a book called “The Prosperity Approach”.  Take a listen to her life story and be blessed!

Her 5 top tips:

  1. Lay down the struggle – give it to God and go from the place of struggle and lay it out to God. Instead enter His grace. Enter into God space. Start feeling wealthy before the money comes in.
  2. Let go of doubt – There is a little game you can play – What’s working for me now? Changing the mindset to focus on what’s working for you now.
  3. This means I’m wealthy – Acknowledging your blessings out of what is working for me
  4. Active faith – Faith is truth spoken in advance.
  5. Follow the nudges – God wants us to co-create with Him. There is richness in the co-creation. Who needs me, how can I serve today? Ask God the questions of who you can help and listen and wait to the small nudge.

Her Bible verse for this season:

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.

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Allyson Chavez

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